mothering mothering sunday: my mother’s mother’s day mothered me
"in pre-capitalist Europe women's subordination to men had been tempered by the fact that they had access to the commons and other communal assets, while in the new capitalist regime women themselves became the commons, as their work was defined as a natural resource, laying outside the sphere of market relations."Silvia Federici
mothering sunday mothered nothing in my mother
who after some misunderstandings mothered
out of my shuttling between a plainsong church village
schooling and a secular bohemian domestic tutelage
explained to me at her easel in 1968 the mothering
of mothering sunday in the standard vinaigrette of domestic
service employment conditions of the nineteenth century
into the twentieth such as endured by our cherished tub
alley neighbours two unmarried nonagenerian sisters
sisters who had worked as maids all of their working
lives since twelve in the big hall of the adjacent village
to this their mother village to which they had retired
in old age on a state pension in a tub alley dwelling
paying rent to the big hall of this their mother village
where they still cooked on a range over the fire still
bathed in a tin bath in front of the fire still walked up
the yard to ease themselves in the outdoor nettie never
venturing further than the nearest town all of their lives
my mother and her other neighbour a widow who had lit the fires
of the empty cottage waiting for us strangers coming to it in the dark
of a january night and yet to meet her so the whole place flickered
welcome in gold through the windows and warm for the furniture
coming in from the lorry and us following tearful from the north
she too still cooked on a range over the fire still
bathed in a tin bath in front of the fire still walked up
the yard to ease herself in the outdoor nettie soon
we were in and out daily around the tubbed peonies they took
turns to care for the old ladies in their final years my mother
sending me sometimes to read to them in their camphored
bed the three of us bursting over the just williams my
heart in my mouth fearing they in their frailty might
expire as i was reading to them sometimes with warm ginger
cakes or fruit scones or the mothering scent of crushed
petals from the rose garden apples from the top croft
they attending their mother church weekly until too frail
then receiving visitations weekly from the vicar they died
within days of each other and were the mothers of my first
bereavement mothering a first unmothering of sorts
buried in unmarked graves at the edge of the outer
cemetery mothering sunday hijacked by the greetings
card industry into mother’s day was the day when
servants in mid lent were permitted to worship
back in the mother church of their home village
back with their mothers their mothers being de
facto servants’ servants their mothers being every
one’s mother and free-standing resource the toffs
fixed well to mark easter with all servants in post
allowed their servants the fourth sunday of lent
back in the mother church of their home village
back with their mothers their mothers being de
facto servants’ servants their mothers being every
one’s mother and free-standing resource is exactly how
before the time came daily for her to care for the widow
or for neighbours yet to move in up the yard to care for her
daily my mother explained to me mother’s day understood
more correctly not needing silvia federici or mikhail bakhtin
or marina warner to spell it out for her or choosing as some
do vainly to try turning it to an advantage there is none is
servants’ day or servants’ servants’ day and my mother
nobody’s servant
my mother no mother
of servants my mother
unmothered mother’s
day her mother’s
day gift to me
a stark and beautiful evocation – thank you, Jane.
very powerful. The intermingling of class and gender responds to what we all feel – and know.